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Expanded Metal Walkway Mesh As Grating

Expanded metal has many usages such as expanded metal fence, expanded cages, or expanded metal filter mesh. And among its usage, expanded metal waskway mesh, also called expanded grating, expanded metal decking, expanded metal catwalk gratingis very common and important usage of expanded mesh.

Generally speaking, expanded metal over 3mm thickness will be suitable for the walkway expanded metal, and the thicker the stronger. We have both diamond hole expanded metal decking as well as hexagonal hole expanded grating. It all depends on customers personal choice, hexagonal hole or diamond hole walkway expanded metal both have very good anti slip function, what influence the service time of the expanded grating is the material and surface treatment.

Carbon steel material is the top choice of the expanded metal decking, because this material cost is comparatively low, and it has good strength which is suitable for walkway mesh. the only disadvantage of it is that it is easy to be corrosion. To avoid this disadvantage, we can choice pvc coated expanded metal grating or hot dipped galvanized walkway expanded metal. And hot dipped expanded metal as decking is more popular all over the world.

we just finished 3 containers production of hexagonal expanded metal decking for our customer in Papua New Guinea.

Specification of the Hot Dipped Galvanized Hexagonal Hole Expanded Metal Walkway Mesh as following

Materialthickness StrandWidth LWM SWM Width Length

4.5mm 7.5mm 75mm 25mm 1200mm 2900mm

Expanded Metal Walkway Mesh As Grating

We also have many other sizes for the walkway expanded metal, we can recommond more if you need. And if you want to use thinner material, at the same time, worry about the bearing of the mesh, we can also weld frame on the four side of the mesh, and suppoting tube at the center of the walkway mesh.

Anyway, our professional team will offer mutiful solutions to meet all you requirements of the Expanded metal walkway mesh.

Post time: Jan-15-2023

